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Guides, Info & Tips on New Modern Linux Server Administration

Modern Server Administration of Critical Systems

This information pertains to very modern recent relases of Redhat based distributions, including the latest releases of CentOS and Fedora, which has had most of these service upgrades and replacements for the last few years now!

The first such service upgrade actually replaced most, if not all of the service init.d startup & shutdown scripts with a very different way of managing the startup, status and shutdown of services, such as the Apache webserver, the CUPS print server, the secure shell, aka the SSH server, and all of the other services that used to be controlled by shell scripts located in the /etc/init.d/ directory. This directory still exists so that in the event that an old legacy service needs to still be managed by the init.d shell scripts, due to the service not yet having the required setup to be managed by the replacement of all of those scripts:


For instance, here is an example of systemctl being used first to query the Apache httpd webserver, and then to stopt it, and then start it up back again:

[root@fc24 ~]# systemctl status sshd.service
● sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled; vendor pres
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2016-09-11 01:12:21 PDT; 1h 20min ago
     Docs: man:sshd(8)
  Process: 791 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCE
 Main PID: 810 (sshd)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 512)
   CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
           └─810 /usr/sbin/sshd

Sep 11 01:12:20 systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon.
Sep 11 01:12:21 systemd[1]: sshd.service: PID file /var/run
Sep 11 01:12:21 sshd[810]: Server listening on port
Sep 11 01:12:21 systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon.
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