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* [http://www.dawgland.com J.R. Computers Main Website]
* [http://www.dawgland.com J.R. Computers Main Website]
* [http://www.dawgland.com Jamie's Blog]
* [http://www.dawgland.com Jamie's Blog]
* [http://www.freshmeat.net My favorite open source software site!]
* [http://www.freshmeat.net Freshmeat.net, my favorite open source software site!]
* [http://www.royals-littlesirs-sinners.com My dad's website I created and administer for him]
* [http://www.craneaerospace.com Where I work]
* [http://www.apache.org Apache webserver site]
* [http://www.php.net The official PHP site]
* [http://www.perl.org The official Perl site]

Revision as of 19:09, 7 May 2011