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Welcome to one of my many collections of URL's, website, and other miscellaneous links!

I hope you find these links as useful as I did. Some may or may not be as useful as I remember them as well, So please enjoy the good ones and have a good laugh at the not so good ones!

2024 Latest & Greatest URLs & Other Info

MediaWiki Usage & Reference

2021 Newest URL's & Other Links

Linux Related Sites

Networking Information

Windows 10 Stuff

Windows Server Info

Latest Solar Eclipse 2017 USA Information!!!

      • The solar Eclipse one week from today, this next Monday, the 21st of October!!!

DO NOT forget to wear only ISO approved and confirmed NOT BOGUS, because if you try to look at the eclipse for even a second, it WILL PERMANENTLY DAMAGE YOUR EYES for LIFE!!!!!!

          • I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! And this late in the game, it's going to be hard to find any available for sale. I ended up having to buy a 10-pack as that was all that was available now!

Here is a VERY cool link to let you see how much and at what times the eclipse will occur in the area that you live in. Just type in your city, and you can then get the details, and play the little video that shows what the eclipse will look like in your neck of the woods! I think it's VERY COOL!!!

Solar Eclipse 2017 in Your Area - MUST SEE!!!

I'm also trying to sell the extra special guaranteed safe glasses you MUST wear to prevent any damage to your eyes. I think I have 4 or 5 left, and am selling them for only $25 bucks each, in an attempt to recoup my cost by having to buy 10, since that is all that is available this close to the Eclipse!

If you are interested, please send email to me!

Random Websites for Further Research

Newest Sites Needing Further Research & Catagorization

PHP Development